Do you have a missing tooth that is detracting from your otherwise attractive smile? Let Felton Dental Care in Missoula fill the gap for you and help you get your remarkable smile back!
A bridge consists of two or more crowns on either side of the gap created by your missing tooth. The neighborhing teeth serve as anchors permitting a false tooth to be held in place.
The false tooth that is placed in the gap is called a pontic. Bridges can contain one or more pontics. A pontic can be matched to the surrounding teeth if you decide on a porcelain material. If you’d like, a pontic can also be constructed using gold or an alloy.
We work closely with you to make sure that your bridge has an exact fit. Then one of our hygienists will show you how to clean under and around the bridge to ensure that no decay develops in the nooks and crannies.
At Felton Dental Care in Missoula, services include general and family dentistry, and a wide range of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Schedule an appointment with us today!
Contact Felton Dental Care – Dr. Brett R. Felton, DMD:
Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):
1750 Brooks St
Missoula, Montana
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