Hi, my name is Brett Felton and my staff and I at Felton Dental Care have been providing excellent dental care for the people of Montana since 2007.
One of the most crucial elements of good oral health is daily tooth brushing with an effective toothpaste. There is a wide variety of toothpastes available. I recommend you use one with fluoride and make sure it has the ADA seal. This ensures that the toothpaste has been tested, claims are being met, and the ingredients are correct.
Just because a toothpaste claims to have a ‘whitener’ doesn’t mean it has fluoride.
Toothpaste as we know it has only been in existence since the late 1800s. Fluoride was added in 1914. The earliest evidence of toothpaste or dental cream dates back to 3000-5000 BC. The Ancient Egyptians pulverized oxen hooves, egg shells, pumice, myrrh, and water creating one of the earliest forms of toothpaste.
The Greeks and Romans began adding crushed bones and bark to the mix. The taste most likely was hard to take. During this same time the people of China and India were using a similar paste, but adding flavorings, like Ginseng and herbal mints making it a bit more palatable.
Lolo toothpaste users have no excuse for not brushing their teeth daily with the toothpaste we have available today. If you do your part, we at Felton Dental Care can provide cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and Invisalign.
The experienced staff at Felton Dental Care want to help make all Montana smiles whiter and brighter. Contact us today so we can answer any questions you may have about Missoula tooth whitening , invisible braces, or Missoula cosmetic dentistry.
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